Job Duties
Learn spiritual disciplines. God is our solid foundation.
Learn Relationship skills and how to conduct yourself for success.
Learn important Character traits and Winning in Life principles.
Learn Life skills such as Financial Literacy and Nutrition.
Learn Job skills while working in construction, lawn care, and agricultural industries.
Clean property in the Lansdowne Neighborhood by cutting down trees, picking up trash, removing rocks and
overgrown brush, displacing dirt from curbs, etc.
Provide construction, lawn maintenance, and various work for neighbors as needed.
Attend educational field trips in East St. Louis and surrounding areas.
Attend a mandatory week-long residency Team Illinois Youth Police Camp with Coaches emphasizing the principles of self-respect and service to others. (July 14 - 20).
Be adaptable to changes in schedule and duties
Work starts promptly at 7:30 a.m. and ends at approximately 4:00 p.m.
(Times may vary due to current Illinois Health Regulations)
Monday through Friday
Start Date: June 3rd, 2024 End Date: July 26th, 2024
Dates are contingent upon East St. Louis School District calendar.
$14.00 per hour.
Paid Bi-Weekly (1st paycheck - June 14th, 2024) (Last paycheck - August 9th, 2024).
Lunch will be provided for FREE.
Your first pair of Gloves, Mask, Safety Glasses, and Hearing protection will be provided.
If you lose these items, you are responsible for bringing your own EACH DAY.
Lockers will be provided for your personal items to be placed in before work.
If you are going to miss a day of work, you MUST verbally talk to two (2) supervisors at least 24 hours in advance to receive absence approval.
Grounds for Termination
Each employee will be given (2) strikes prior to termination
Strike (1) - Verbal Warning
Strike (2) - No Participation in upcoming field trip
Strike (3) - Employee Termination
Strikes include but are not limited to:
Disrespect of supervisors, other interns, staff or volunteers
Failure to show up for work without 24-hours notice
Showing up late for work (if even by 1 minute)
Getting sent home early for ANY reason
Using a phone during work hours
Not respecting the equipment you will be using
Sleeping while doing classroom work
Not following Illinois Health Code requirements
Immediate Termination
Possession of any weapon or illegal drugs
All Internship Applicants will sign an Applicant Commitment agreeing to:
Give their best effort to fulfill the Job Duties and follow the job guidelines each day, all day:
Approach the Internship with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and full participation in all work and learning activities:
Respectfully represent the RISE UP Summer Internship Program and Lansdowne UP:
Understand that all Internship Job Description details and Guidelines are subject to change.
All Internship Parents/Legal Guardians will sign a Parent/Guardian Commitment agreeing to:
Help my Intern succeed in the RISE UP 2024 Summer Internship Program;
Reinforce basic participation requirements and success principles;
Attend any mandatory Parent meetings and arrange to meet privately with the Program Director as needed.